"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."
- Lao Tzu
Why I Blog And Why Should You Care

February 20, 2009

Is anybody out there? I mean, hello.

Here it is. That first post. A little awkward, eh? Where to start...

The main purpose of this blog:
I've been slowly restructuring my life in the last couple of years, more so in the last several months. I first heard the term lifestyle design around the same time and it struck a chord with me. While it hasn't been easy making changes and committing to them, in fact it's been a slow and steady ordeal - the little changes that I've made along with my partner-in-crime/spouse/significant other - the journey so far has been quite an adventure and a learning experience.

I'm choosing to blog about it to hold myself accountable first and foremost. It would also be interesting to look back later on and see how much progress I've made.

I've been a fan and follower of several popular productivity, lifestyle design, personal finance, simple life - type blogs - it's helped me a great deal. So I've always wanted to be a part of that blogosphere and return the favor.

So what will I blog about?
As of late I've been trying to simplify all aspects of my life so that will be covered quite frequently. Saving money and frugal living is another topic that interests me so expect posts on that. Life-mapping and working on specific goals is another. Small business. Freelancing. Daily life.

I'm still working on the "about me" section and the layout in general but this should do for the meantime. I'm trying not to overthink what goes on this page. It's so easy to hit that backspace and delete button and make it all disappear as if it never existed but then again where's the fun in that?

So hello and welcome - read some posts, leave a comment, shoot me an e-mail, and come back often.
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